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Leeds inventory details
LGA Inventory of datasets on
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Spatial coverage
Conforms to schema
Included datasets
Admissions timeline
Adult education courses
Adult establishment licences
Advertising hoarding sites
Agency qualified social worker spend
Air quality - nitrogen dioxide
Air Quality Monitoring Sites
Animal welfare licences
Annual markets information
Arts@Leeds funded organisation monitoring data
Automated external defibrillators
Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) project
Benefit Payments
Biomass assessments for local authorities - a case study
Blue badge applications
Breeze attendances
Bring sites
Brownfield land register
Bus lane fines
Business rates
Business rates - credits over £50.00 written on
Carriageworks Theatre tickets sold
Cemeteries and crematoria
Changing Places toilets in Leeds
City connect cycle route
City wide empty properties trends
Climate resilience documents
Community centres
Community services
Community support organisations
Community trigger indicator for anti-social behaviour
Confidential waste
Consistent financial reporting - Leeds schools
Contracts register - other
Contracts register - tenders
Cooling tower locations
Council budgets
Council building information
Council car parks
Council energy consumption
Council homes with property and letting attributes
Council house bids
Council house bids and lettings
Council house rehousing timescales
Council housing stock
Council land and building assets
Council printers
Council properties under-occupation
Council spending
Council tax bands of all properties in Leeds
Council tax charges
Councillor allowances and council tax summons
Councillor travel and accommodation expenses
Culvert maintenance
Customer Services contact enquiries
Cycle routes in Leeds
Dementia cafés in Leeds
Detail of council payments to the 3rd sector
Domestic violence support documents and guidance
Dropped kerb applications
Economic impact of West Yorkshire museums
Election results - general
Election results - local
Elections - councillor candidates
Elections - parish and town councils
Electoral Registers Sold
Electricity usage
Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN)
Fleet vehicles
Fleet vehicles fuel consumption
Flood affected properties
Flooding grants
FOI and EIR Statistics
Food hygiene ratings for food establishments in Leeds API
Food premises public register
Fraud investigations
Gambling permits
Gambling premises licences
GP registered populations (5 year agebands)
Grit bin locations
Groups and organisations working with the homeless in Leeds City Centre
Hackney carriage and private hire drivers licences issued in Leeds
Hackney carriage and private hire vehicle licences issued in Leeds
Historic roadworks
HMO and student housing register
Home adaptations
Homelessness P1E quarterly return
Household waste collections
Housing land supply in Leeds
Housing of multiple occupation licence register
ICT equipment
Leeds allotments
Leeds annual cycle growth
Leeds annual nitrogen dioxide diffusion tube data
Leeds annual traffic growth
Leeds children's centres
Leeds city centre bike bays
Leeds city centre footfall data
Leeds City Council Adopted Highways
Leeds City Council international travel
Leeds City Council property lets
Leeds housing construction
Leeds Housing Options monthly enquiries
Leeds Inspired API
Leeds international film festival visitor location data
Leeds leisure centres and classes
Leeds Let's Get Active
Leeds libraries
Leeds listed buildings
Leeds markets
Leeds meteorological data
Leeds museums and galleries highlights
Leeds one stop centres and joint service centres
Leeds post codes
Leeds private hire operator licences issued
Leeds property count
Leeds schools
Leeds schools all information
Leeds schools energy costs
Leeds support services
Leeds traffic orders
Leeds visitor centre footfall
Library computer bookings
Library computer use by age
Library loans - top 100 authors borrowed (adult fiction)
Library loans (all media)
Library loans (books only)
Library visits
Licensed riding establishments in Leeds
Life Expectancy in Leeds (3 year averages)
Litter bin locations
Live car park spaces API
Live roadworks API
Local authority pollution prevention control
Long term empty properties owned by Ltd companies
Lunch clubs for over 55+
Microsoft licence summary
Mobile phone masts
Museums and galleries events and exhibitions
Museums loans
Neighbourhood network schemes
Noise abatement notices
Noise nuisance - daytime
Noise nuisance - out of hours
Non-confidential waste
Number of council houses
Off-street parking fines
Online payments
On-street parking fines
Outdoor sports facilities
Outside business interests for senior officers
Parking income and expenditure
Parking spaces
Pay multiples
Payment performance statistics
Payments to the 3rd sector
PC and laptop logins
Pedestrian crossing points
Permits for charity collections
Personal licences (sale of alcohol)
Places of interest in Leeds
Places to eat and drink in Leeds
Places to go shopping in Leeds
Planning applications
Planning statutory newspaper notices
Polling station locations
Pothole action fund repairs
Pothole claims
Potholes and expenditure
Pottery Fields rain gauge rainfall data
Premises licences
Primary gritting routes
Primary school allocations
Private hire drivers and vehicles registered to each licensed operator
Private markets information
Private sector long term empty properties by ward
Private water supplies
Property Disposals
Public access free WiFi
Public Health data - GP recorded conditions Leeds
Public Health data - Mortality rates Leeds
Public health funeral data
Public toilets
Qualified agency social worker spend
Rain gauge rainfall data
Ratified air quality - nitrogen dioxide
Road traffic accidents
S106 planning agreements
School admission appeals
School term times
Schools agency staff
Schools contacts
Schools nearest polygon shape files
Scrap metal dealer licences
Secondary school allocations
Senior officer salaries
Service requests
Services offered by Neighbourhood Network Schemes in Leeds
Skips waste
Small society lottery registrations
Social housing asset value
Software licences
Solar PV (photovolataics) data
Street café licences in Leeds
Street lights (unmetered)
Subscribers to Leeds international chamber music
Superconnected cities broadband
Sustainable construction in practice
Talk Share Learn Leeds
Taxi and private hire licences - total number
Temporary accommodation spend
Temporary event notices
Tenancy and residents groups
Tenanted housing stock
Tour de France 2014 cycle route in Leeds
Tour de France social and economic impact report results
Trade union facility time
Traffic signals in Leeds
Unauthorised School Absence Fines
Visitor economy data
Volumes for online services
War memorials
Wards in Leeds
Waste electrical and electronic equipment collections
Wedding venue licences
Who's who in Leeds
Workforce profile of Leeds City Council
Yorkshire and Humber EU referendum results